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学英语 ,一定不能做的三个事情

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这是Power Learning English 系列的第二集, 出品。2013 年录制的视频,但其中提到的语言学习理念和方法,到现在仍然不过时。


以下内容是根据我口述的中文文稿,经过 chatGPT 格式化调整后的内容。











Original English Script

Hello and welcome back to Lesson 2 in your free 7-day email video course from English Anyone. Com. I’m Drew Badger, and today you are going to learn three important things you should stop doing if you want to get fluent in real spoken English.

Remember from yesterday, first of all, that you should be thinking about your goals. Did you make your English vision board? I know you don’t have to make one, but if you take the time to make a vision board, I promise you, you will be able to see your goal much much more clearly really think about what you want and then you will be able to achieve it easily.

Let’s continue with today’s lesson. The first most horrible thing you could do for your learning English is to try to master grammar using a grammar textbook. *There are two things you need to remember about learning English grammar. The first thing is that you should learn grammar naturally . The second is that you do not need to know the names of grammar points. If go to ask a native speaker what a past participle is or a spilt infinitive is . They will not be able tell you, most native speakers do not know this information only an English teacher will be able to tell you what either of these two things are and this should give you some really import clue how to learn English naturally. Think about your own native language, you probably don’t remember what you learned in school. It wan’t very fun and you are trying to learn your own language grammar using a grammar textbook. You probably don’t remember most of the names of the grammar points you studied . How did you learn grammar, you learn grammar naturally. We will teach you how to learn grammar later in this video series but for today just understand it will not helpful to study grammar using a grammar textbook . It won’t be memorable, and you don’t need to know that information. All you need to know is how to understand what native speakers are saying, so you can have a better conversation. But more about that in a later video lesson.

The second thing you need to stop doing is stop worrying about the pronunciation of individual words. On YouTube and other video sharing sites, we see a lot of people that are trying to practice pronunciation of individual words. As an example. The word “to” we use this one regularly when teaching students the word by itself usually has the pronunciation “tu”, but in a larger sentence, the pronunciation of it changes. This is what you need to understand as a learner of English. You need to think like a native speaker and understand that you learn words in groups. This is how you get fluent in English much much faster because it helps you understand the pronunciation of one word by comparing it or using it in a phrase or a group of words together in the example of ‘to’. I can say I am going to the store pronunciation of ‘to’ become ‘ti’ . I am going ‘tu’ the store now the pronunciation of the word changes. So what you need to be listening for are whole phrases, whole groups of words, and how that pronunciation affects the sound of one word within that group.

The last thing you need to stop doing is worrying about your pronunciation before you can have a great conversation. I’ve seen so many students that really want to have great pronunciation before they can have a great conversation. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would you want to worry about your pronunciation before you can even speak . Think about babies in your own language. Most young learners of your language it takes them maybe four or even five years or longer to learn how to pronounce your language using great normal pronunciation. The same thing is true for English learners especially if your language is different from English. So if you want to get fluent in real spoken English and have great pronunciation. Stop worrying about pronunciation. First begin talking, talk, talk, talk. Speak as much as you can and then you will begin to see real improvement in your pronunciation. It’s boring and not helpful to try to practice pronunciation before you can speak.

Remember these three things: Don’t worry about studying grammar rules because that information will not help you, and it will make you dislike learning English even more because it’s not very fun. So throw the grammar book away. Also, remember to stop worrying about the pronunciation of individual words. It’s okay to study the pronunciation of individual words, so a word may have many sounds in it. Those sounds are import to study and that’s why we teach phonics to students, but don’t worry about project pronouncing or practicing one particular sound forward, because that sound will change , and finally don’t worry about pronunciation before you can speak, even if you don’t have great pronunciation , just speak and you will start seeing real improvement in your English much much faster.

Well, I hope it’s been another excellent video lesson for you today. Tomorrow we’re going to teach you two really important things you need to understand about how to think in order to get fluid faster. So come back tomorrow, open your mail, watch the video lesson, and start speaking English much faster. Have an excellent day, think about your vision board, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow.

补充 AI工具使用的问题

  1. 这次对字幕处理的 prompt 做了更加详细的要求和示例补充,详细内容可以看参考资源的链接。整个 prompt 有 1500多个字符. But 使用下来效果并不好,出现了十分严重的 AI 自由发挥情况
    1. ChatGPT 没有免费额度了,前几十个段落的处理没有问题
    2. 通义千文,第一次处理陷入死循环,自己在处理 180 个段落是,重复输出相同的内容。手动停止后,它发现了自己的问题。尝试让它分多次处理整个文档,比如第一次处理 1-100 个段落,第二次处理 101-200 个段落。它清楚自己的任务和要求,但处理到第60个段落时,它就不知道自己要干嘛了,开始自由发挥。从160个段落自己跳到了218个段落,中间有大量的内容被删除。
  2. 最后放弃对AI的调教,索性给AI,让它自己发挥,prompt 修改为


勉强给出了一份能够使用的文档。在对比视频中的内容,仍然发现有成段落的文字被忽略了,原文中的英文稿中 斜体 的部分为手动补充上。


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